I wake
Rub from my eyes
Shake sand from my hair
Combed askew overnight
By the bony fingers
Of another millisecond year

Every cell of my body
a stopwatch
A calendar
A grinning fool

I am no longer
For my younger self
No longer
To show proof of these
Sandy hours

I look out from eyes
That feel young
Even as they harden
Hunt for clarity
Through a perfect distance

Perhaps this is what
I have learned
After sanding these eyes
Day after day
Like polished glass
To hold the world
At the right remove
To focus

I don’t think so
I don’t think this is it
My revelation
Purchased by these
Decades spent in reflection
I hope not

I hope instead
To live a startled life forever
To see time’s reflection in the mirror
And to scoff
That is not me!
The grey beard suggests
An interior to match
But that is not me!

I believed once
Time would comb my hair
Parting youth
And wisdom
Bringing weight to flights
Of joyful fancy
Afforded to younger men

None of this is true
These cellular timekeepers
We are remade into youth
Cell by cell by cell
Every decade
Time reset

Let time then
Have its false insistence
Its small promises
Its meager moments
Of petty cruelties
Turn me from
To distinguished
Startle me in the mirror
Let time shake its petulant fist
All sound and fury

Where I live
My heart never ages
My eyes wonder to see
Where I live
The years are as reckless
And wild
As a storm
Where I live
I am reborn